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What is Canonical Tag

Google search console provides variety of features to analyze our website performance. A canonical tag is an onsite SEO aspect that tells search engines the page is having similar content to another page and that which one is the master page.

The syntax for this code is as below:

<link rel=”canonical” href=”here comes URL of similar content page”>

This tag is placed in the code of the respective page (either page from the similar ones). Apparently there is no harm of having this notification in your google search console however, if you unnecessarily add pages of the similar content would affect your search ranking. Hence you’d be deprived of potential traffic that was meant to conversions.

Google search engine also identifies similar content pages and stores/indexes only the parent version of the page. That’s the reason you see few pages are indexed and rest duplicate aren’t.

Here is example of how you see this notification in your google search console.

Canonical tag and validation google search console

How to Fix?

Just after the report seen in the image above, you’ll find reasons why your pages weren’t indexed. Simply select on the link “Alternate page with proper canonical tag” and it’ll get you to the list of page with canonical tags/duplicate content.

You may proceed and fix the issue by having unique content pages with no duplicate throughout your website pages. Once done you may validate in the google search control and you’ll see no further notifications any such.

The image below is a reference where you can see “Validate Fix” button that you can click once your resolve the issue.

Canonical url fixing, validation

There can be multiple reasons behind why your pages are not indexed, like:

Alternate page with proper canonical tag

Duplicate where google choose different url to index than the user

Page with redirect

Excluded by the “noindex” tag


Quick Keyword specific On-Site SEO Guide

On site SEO or on page Search engine optimization is a process of optimizing your website for search engine ranking.

There is no complex theory but an understanding of how we can make the things compatible to real life examples. The more we’ll understand real life scenarios of search queries, the best we’ll be playing in our SEO tactics.

Here is a quick guide to boost the possibilities of your website ranking in search engines through specific keywords.

• Title

First of all your title inside the header must be optimized with upto 80 characters at max. And then your major keyword must also be included in the title and the title tag.

• Description

Description tag inside the head must be placed and optimized with maximum 150 characters along with the inclusion of core keywords same as in the title tag.

• Content.

Your content on the page or inside the body, must also be worthwhile to have to the point and detailed information of what people are looking for. It must also be filled with the keyword you used for title and the description tags. Be sure to not to over stuff or flood the content with repetition of keywords.

• Page.

Then comes the turn of your page loading time while the people start browsing for it. A recommended time is less than a second but as we understand speed of the network at user end differs, also nowadays more and more additions are made on the pages including sliders, animations, tickers and so on, the delays could be expected but still must not exceed 2-5 seconds at full load.

if it is a landing inner page, then we can expect a swift load not exceeding than a second is highly favorite to search engines.

• URL.

Your Universal Resource Locator refers to your domain name and the address of your specific page. A recommended practice is to have your core keyword inside your main URL (Domain name i.e contains the keyword “web hosting” that refers to their main business.) Or at least create a landing page (inner page) that should include your keyword inside the URL. For example if your business is brand clothing and your main domain name is which doesn’t include any term regarding brands except the word shop, so you can create a inner page with your brand’s name like, this would refer to both keywords you are dealing business in like “Clothing” and the brand “Nike”

• H1, H2, H3 tags.

Same refers to your heading tage h1, 2, 3 those have significant values to search engines, so must have at least one H1 heading of your core keyword and same with H2 or H3.

• Meta tags

Meta tags are the keys to draw search engine’s attention, as we discussed on the top, title tags, description tags, and the keywords tag are most prominent those must include your keywords.

• Images

Images on your site must always be kept as lighter as possible, try using jpg, jpeg formats instead of png, tiff, gif etc those hold a heavy weight and disliked by search engine bots. Then your images should also have alt tag, title and description tag too.

• Permalinks

Your permalinks mean your inner page addresses or inner pages urls. These must always be kept optimized with keywords and informative titles those could possibly refer to search queries.

• Placement in meta tag

As discussed before, meta tags are placed in header and must be optimized as discussed above.

• Title Length/ post title length

Title of the website and urls should be short, specific to what you are going to write about. Too long titles aren’t liked by the search engines.

• Keyword Stuffing in Description

Same goes with description which should be concise and to the point with a single keyword, no repetition etc.

• Page Load Time

Page load time as discussed above, for home page 1-3 seconds or 5 seconds at max depending upon use of sliders and animations, but for inner pages it should be less than a second.

• Sitemap

Sitemap should also be incorporated with the site. It shows a structure of your website in a more convenient way to search engines.

• Robots file

Robots file tells search engines about your site, it should also be there in.

• Google Analytics

Create account with google for the analytics of your site visitors and other functionalities.

• Final SEO Score

Always keep an eye open for overall SEO score since seo is not a one time effort, it is a regular process to keep the website favorite to search engines.

on site seo tips
How to create WordPress website on local host

Learning how to run a wordpress website on your computer is quite easier, i shall guide you step by step all the necessary steps.

You’d be able to enjoy your worpdress website running on your local computer in five simple steps:

  1. Downloading Xampp Server
  2. Downloading Latest WordPress package
  3. Configuring Xampp Server
  4. Configuring WordPress
  5. Configuring Website on your WordPress


You can download xampp server right from your browser with your internet connection, I shall suggest downloading from

Once the download is complete, locate the file in the downloads and try saving it in your software section of any drive.

Now double click the xampp file and follow the steps on the popped up dialog box to configure your xampp server. You can keep the default settings/configurations intact and press the “next” button to proceed with installation.

sooner your xampp server would be installed depending upon speed of your internet.

Configuring Xampp Server

(a) Go to the opened dialog box of the xampp server that you see after xampp installation and start apache and mysql server.

(b) Click on the admin button next to MySql start button to create your database. You’ll be taken to the borwser window with MySql configuration page.

(c) Click on the database tab from the opened window and name the database (you can keep the name as “wordpress” or whatever you wish you see as your website name but in running and with no space. In my case, I put it as bsdigital.

Click the “Create” button next to the name and your database would now be created.


Now it the time to download wordpress package, you can do it easily and directly from Here is the link for your assistance:

From the given two options, select “Download and install it yourself”. The download would complete sooner depending upon your internet speed.

Extract your compressed wordpress file on the same place and once extracted, name the file whatever name your kept for your database (Like I shall put it as “bsdigital” because I created my database in the same name. Now copy the folder.

Now go to your “C” drive where you installed your xampp server and open the xampp folder.

Locate and open the “htdoc” folder from xampp folder.

Now paste your wordpress folder here (like I copied my “bsdigital” folder and pasted here).

Google Crawler Latest Trends

Googlebot or the Google crawler’s current Algo defines a lot of change in ranking any websites. The major change was held with the use of unique content and the way sites are interlinked. Sites with duplicated content were set to n/a pr from even PR7 and so. Sites with unique content were upgraded to higher page ranks like PR6 and PR7 even PR8 from PR2 and PR0. Site linking from duplicate content sites were also lost there rankings and positions in search engines. The best way to achieve today’s search Engine ranking and positions, is to have matchless content, and to have links from Unique content sites.

SEO and your Website Presence

Search Engine Optimization has already played a significant role in promotion of online businesses through search engines. The web presence thus becomes vital when any business entity pops out first in the search results specifically when the organic search is made by the Internet users.

In the start, SEO remained mainly in the off-site areas where the focus was to make the site as much optimized that it should at least come in the first 10 pages results. Research teams were designed and they were devotedly continue to find the ways to improve the SEO stats as better as possible.

Sooner the teams realized that the off page seo is not enough to bring the site on the first search engine results they were thus intended to introduce another aspect of Search Engine Optimization. This aspect was the on-site SEO techniques that are also known as on the page seo nowadays. On site Search engine optimization is the process of developing site in such a way that it should become favorite to search queries and search engines. Here the core focus was to put right headings, very right contents that are pretty much related with the nature of website, layout and short source code with friendly tools and the use of optimized images.

This actually improved today’s online businesses web presence in an efficient manner and that it consequently guarantees better Returns on Investment.

Things to Consider When Selecting Web Host

Best Practices Web hosting guide where you’ll learn how to buy best hosting from the best online hosting sellers across the globe. The Internet world is full of web hosting bonuses and incentives and in the same time, there are fewer who may lead to wheedle customer through hidden gimmicks. The Media Annexes aims to let its viewers and customer know about the mistakes a buyer generally commit when purchasing cheap hosting from even reputable hosting sellers.

The idea is to give them to the point and step by step guide to consider all possible features for the hosting they are going to purchase exactly in contrast with their requisites. Sometimes, we pay more for the things that we never need and they are just hanging with the hosting once purchased and there after.

Below is a check list of what a best hosting and the pretty cheap hosting can accommodate customers with and you can then select the one you indeed need.

Best Hosting Features TMA Recommendations
Unlimited Bandwidth Yes : As it generally accommodate more users when they get rushed on your website.
Unlimited Storange Generally Yes : But it always depend upon your needs and the nature of website.
Unlimited Sub Domains May Be: If you are planning to create an enterprise type setup or something that you’d further need to target your sub requisites, will then be helpful.
Unlimited Emails May Be: We usually need maximum up to 10 emails accounts for a small setup and this is what commonly provided free with hosting but if you need more users to communicate with, you’ll probably need to opt out for Unlimited.
Cheap and Best Web Hosting Plan

Cheap Web Hosting – Best Web Hosting Plan

There are several hosting providers over the Internet, all have specialty and specific features as per their end. Many of them claim to be the best hosting providers and many says the cheapest hosting providers. A mind in a moment gets confused where to go and what to attempt?

Same questions were rising in my mind when I was looking for the kind of cheap hosting and reliable hosting provider. I’ve gone through many and evaluated at my own. Then I discussed with my fellow professionals those were already using the very services. I’m of the decision that though there are still many good hosting providers but I found the Lunarpages as my best hosting solution as it meets all of requisites that we need for a concrete web hosting. They have cost as low as only $4.95 per month with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited sub domains, unlimited addresses, unlimited sql databases and many more.

Best Guide to Content Creation and Distribution

How to Create Effective Contents – How to Distribute Contents

Creating excellent content is a key element of optimizing your online presence, but once you have created fantastic information you need to disseminate it. You may be one fantastic source of information, but if nobody hears you, does it matter? Make sure that you aren’t leaving out the step that will get you heard. We have compiled a list of the 5 best practices for content distribution:

Understanding the Concept of Blogging

You aren’t the only blogger out there. This may seem like a bad thing sometimes when there are so many other blogs to read. How will your blog get read if there are so many others that have equally great content? The trick is to get your content on blogs that are already being read. There are many wonderful blogs that get a lot of their content from guest bloggers. You can submit articles that you have already published on your own blog or create something new that you think the particular blogger would like for their blog. They may even have a request for a specific kind of content they would like from those interested in guest blogging.

Along with contributing to blogs that you are following already, make sure that you are also using services that will connect you with other bloggers. These are great for not only getting your content posted elsewhere but also for getting guest bloggers on your blog. These blogger connection services already have a great network of bloggers who would love to share content. It would be a waste of a resource if you didn’t use something like this.

Getting others’ guest content on your blog is another great way to link up with more bloggers. These guest bloggers may not have a particular need for your content yet, but they will most likely read your blog if they are contributing to it. This is great because not only have you acquired another reader, but they will be more inclined to request permission to use one of your blog posts on their own blog in the future or to spread the word about your wonderful blog to all their friends and associates who it would appeal to as well.

Remember when submitting a guest blog post to include the byline that you would like the blogger to use for your guest post. You want to make sure that they give proper credit for your blog, and it makes their job easier if they don’t have to ask you for it. Conversely, remember to request a byline or resource box from each of your guest contributors so that you may give them proper credit as well.

Choose Authority Sites to Publish Contents

There are numerous well established article databases and other content-based websites where you can submit your content. These websites are selective about the content that they publish which increases their reputability. This is positive for you because when your content is accepted by these websites and published, you know that your content is top quality. Those who find your content on those websites will also know how valuable your content is by virtue of the fact that it has been published by an already well-respected source and they will be more likely to want more content from you.
[Top 10 Ranking on Google]

Be sure to read the submission guidelines of these websites. If you continue to submit content that is substandard, your future submissions will likely be ignored. If there are minor things to tweak in your content that will make it worthy of publishing on these websites make sure that you aren’t missing out on this. Overlooking necessary but simple corrections is an easily avoidable mistake.

Make sure you are running with the top dogs. If you think your content is worth submitting to a well-respected site, don’t hesitate to do so. Overcome your fear of rejection and go for it. You may be surprised at how valuable those leading authorities find your content. Don’t deprive readers of your information.

Monitory and Supervising Published Articles

When syndicating your blog posts and submitting them for inclusion on several different websites, you will want to make sure that you are keeping track of each place they have been submitted to and published. Part of building your credibility is that the content that you write is applicable to more than just your immediate readers. Make sure that you are keeping track of where your content has been published in order to write more content that appeals to those particular audiences.

Remember that part of interaction with readers and customers includes responding to comments and questions. How can you respond to these if you don’t even remember where your content has been published? Keeping track of comments and questions is easy when you are managing content posted on your own blog because you will receive a notice every time there is a comment left. Some blogs offer an option to notify you when anyone posts a comment after you have already posted, but you won’t know about initial comments unless you are keeping track of the post.
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One last but very important aspect of keeping track of published content is that, like all marketing strategies, these efforts need to be measured and analyzed in order to create more appropriate future content. If the published content is receiving a lot of positive feedback, be sure to create more like it in the future. If the feedback is negative, adjust your content until it becomes something that readers find useful. Success relies on customer and reader satisfaction. Be sure that you are monitoring this.

Distribute Contents in Press Releases

When an article, blog post, or video is being syndicated, it is completely appropriate to submit a press release. This doesn’t need to be an incredibly formal, pricey press release. There are many free press release publication services that will allow you to post as many press releases as you wish. Having your content syndicated is big news, make sure that you are reporting it!

Every time we have an article or blog post syndicated, we publish a press release about it. Our excitement about sharing our content with the world is equally felt by our readers who find out via press release. Creating a mutual interest, such as excellent content writing, with our readers is key in building relationships with them.

Press releases also get picked up by bigger news sources. The syndication of press releases lets even more people know about your incredible content and the cycle of content distribution continues. Make sure that you don’t skip this step because you may find new readers to provide with valuable content. Let the world know that others think your content is as great as you do. Write a press release!

Using Twitter and Digg to Publish Contents

Tweets and diggs are like mini, severely informal press releases. If you don’t have the time to sit down and write a press release the moment you find that one of your posts or articles has been published, make sure that you are at least tweeting about it. All of your twitter followers will immediately be aware of your content being published and if they haven’t already had a chance to read it they will be more inclined to do so.

The same concept goes for Digg. You can digg about your content to let even more of the world know what excellent content you have created and where they can find it. Let your friends and business acquaintances know that they can digg this content, too. You can let them know through your other social media platforms such as MyMark, Facebook and Twitter.

Creating great content is extremely important. The next step is to distribute that content throughout the internet so that it can be found. Make sure that you are publishing your content to other bloggers and websites and telling everyone you know that your content has been published there as well. This will increase the effective reach of your information. Start your distribution and information dissemination now!

How to remove blogger Out Bound Links

Guide to Remove un-necessary out going links from Blogger hosted websites

Out going links is one of the major elements that impacts website’s ranking and stats from search engines. Google discourages websites with many outbound links and sometimes drops from indexing as well. Unfortunately websites that we host with generally have many outbound links on it and as we increase the number of widgets on our sites, number outbound links also increases.

So, how can we remove outbound links from blogger hosted private websites or from websites?

Here is a robust solution to this problem as you can certainly remove the un-necessary links from your private websites hosted with blogger and free domains. Follow the steps  blow to remove outbound links from blogger and to increase your website’s stats and indexing in search engines.

1. Login to your blogger account and go to “Design” or “Layout”.

2. Click on the “Edit HTML” tab.

3. Check the check box for “Expand Widget Templates”.

4. Press “Ctrl+F” to find the below tag

<b:include name=’quickedit’/>

5. Once you have located the tag mentioned above, delete the tag and find for next until you delete all the tags from your website.

6. Also search for the below tag

<!– quickedit pencil –>
<b:include data=’post’ name=’postQuickEdit’/>

7. Once you have found the above tag, delete it as well.

8. Press the “Save Template” button after you have make sure of there is no quick edit tag present in your blogger panel.

Note: Don’t delete the following tag from the blogger :

<b:includable id=’postQuickEdit’ var=’post’>

There is no harm to remove quick edit tags and it will no way disturb or disrupt the functionality of your website. Yes one option will no longer be available with you and that is the quick edit directly from your website. This is in fact an extra option to edit

Top 10 SEO-Oriented Content Writing Tips

10 Essential points to remember in Content Writing for websites

Writing is as much as an art form as it is a skill, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t write content that is powerful and helps to improve your company’s ranking with the major search engines. There are certain elements which can help your website content, blog posts, articles submitted to online directories and other online content increase your rankings and move your business forward. Here are ten things to look for:

1. Content Matters: No matter what you write, keep in mind that it has the potential to reach a large audience and be beneficial to your company beyond any SEO benefits. Blogs, articles and on-site content are a chance to link your company to useful, interesting information about your industry. Well-written copy about intriguing topics is also more likely to be linked and shared by outsiders — increasing your page rank as well.

2. Write Compelling Headings: The titles of your articles and webpages are important — they are among the first things that can grab the reader’s attention. Instead of using a boring, generic heading, make sure that your heading is interesting while clearly explaining the content. Working a keyword into the heading is also a good idea.

3. Stay on Topic: It’s easy to write around a topic and begin drifting into tangents that are unrelated to your topic. Keep in mind that this is business writing and not a personal blog! While it’s OK to have some personality in your writing, your focus should always be on the topic you are writing about.

4. Ideal Keyword Length and Density: For website content and off-site articles for directory submission, content could be 300 to 1,000 words in length. The length of your article will largely be determined by the number of keywords you are using: you should use a keyword for every 50 to 100 words of content.

5. Don’t Stack Keywords: Some people cram all of their articles’ keywords into one section at the beginning of the article – often as part of a list. This looks unprofessional since all of your linked keywords will be running together on the page. Spread your keywords evenly throughout the article so they look more organic.

6. Add Keywords to the Bio: Whether you are writing a story for a magazine or submitting an article to an online directory, there will be an opportunity for you to add your biographical information. This is valuable real estate and another chance for optimization. Make sure that you include one keyword in your bio.

7. Write and Tag Hierarchically: Using the appropriate tags for your content will show Google and other search engines that it is professional and well-structured, leading to higher placements. Make sure you use the h1 tag for titles and the h2 tag for subheadings, etc. You should also apply this concept to your writing, putting the most compelling information up front.

8. Use META Descriptions: Making sure that your articles have META descriptions — 150 character descriptions of the content — that have keywords included. Including META descriptions is a great way to get Google to recognize your content and give it greater value.

9. Write Original Content: Search engines will punish sites that publish duplicate content that already exists online. Make sure that your content is fresh and original instead of just “copying and pasting” content from existing sources.

10. Choose Relevant Images: Having eye-catching images that are relevant to your content will grab the reader’s attention.