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A picture worth a thousands words, means a picture can convey message more swiftly and easily than the marketing text could do.

However, graphics designing have certain standards before they go live on the sites.

Soft Color scheme, should not pierce into eyes.
Clear content, strictly relevant to understand what exactly it is about.
Easy to understand language.
Technically optimized size for seo purpose.

Types of Graphics

•    Website Design/Re-design images
•    Logo, Banner & Business Card Designs
•    Profile Covers, and pictures.
•    Animated Banners
•    Pamphlets
•    Catalog Designing
•    Social Media Profile Covers, and pictures.
•    Slider images

Tools that we use in Graphic Designing:
•    Adobe Photoshop
•    Adobe Illustrator
•    Corel Draw
•    Adobe Captivate
•    Microsoft Visio

Note : We are open to discuss any customizable solutions for you!